Source code for proxy.http.proxy.server

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    ⚡⚡⚡ Fast, Lightweight, Pluggable, TLS interception capable proxy server focused on
    Network monitoring, controls & Application development, testing, debugging.

    :copyright: (c) 2013-present by Abhinav Singh and contributors.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

    .. spelling::

import os
import ssl
import time
import errno
import socket
import logging
import threading
import subprocess
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union, Optional, cast

from .plugin import HttpProxyBasePlugin
from ..parser import HttpParser, httpParserTypes, httpParserStates
from ..plugin import HttpProtocolHandlerPlugin
from ..headers import httpHeaders
from ..methods import httpMethods
from ..exception import HttpProtocolException, ProxyConnectionFailed
from ..protocols import httpProtocols
from ...common.pki import gen_csr, sign_csr, gen_public_key
from ...core.event import eventNames
from ...common.flag import flags
from ...common.types import Readables, Writables, Descriptors
from ...common.utils import text_
from ...core.connection import (
    TcpServerConnection, TcpConnectionUninitializedException,
from ...common.constants import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    help='Default: False.  Whether to disable proxy.HttpProxyPlugin.',

    help='Default: None.  Comma separated list of headers to remove before '
    'dispatching client request to upstream server.',

    help='Default: None. CA key to use for signing dynamically generated '
    'HTTPS certificates.  If used, must also pass --ca-cert-file and --ca-signing-key-file',

    help='Default: ~/.proxy/certificates. Directory to store dynamically generated certificates. '
    'Also see --ca-key-file, --ca-cert-file and --ca-signing-key-file',

    help='Default: None. Signing certificate to use for signing dynamically generated '
    'HTTPS certificates.  If used, must also pass --ca-key-file and --ca-signing-key-file',

    help='Default: ' + str(DEFAULT_CA_FILE) +
    '. Provide path to custom CA bundle for peer certificate verification',

    help='Default: None. CA signing key to use for dynamic generation of '
    'HTTPS certificates.  If used, must also pass --ca-key-file and --ca-cert-file',

    help='Default: ' + PLUGIN_PROXY_AUTH + '.  ' +
    'Auth plugin to use instead of default basic auth plugin.',

[docs]class HttpProxyPlugin(HttpProtocolHandlerPlugin): """HttpProtocolHandler plugin which implements HttpProxy specifications.""" # Used to synchronization during certificate generation and # connection pool operations. lock = threading.Lock() def __init__( self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.start_time: float = time.time() self.upstream: Optional[TcpServerConnection] = None self.response: HttpParser = HttpParser(httpParserTypes.RESPONSE_PARSER) self.pipeline_request: Optional[HttpParser] = None self.pipeline_response: Optional[HttpParser] = None self.plugins: Dict[str, HttpProxyBasePlugin] = {} if b'HttpProxyBasePlugin' in self.flags.plugins: for klass in self.flags.plugins[b'HttpProxyBasePlugin']: instance: HttpProxyBasePlugin = klass( self.uid, self.flags, self.client, self.event_queue, self.upstream_conn_pool, ) self.plugins[] = instance
[docs] @staticmethod def protocols() -> List[int]: return [httpProtocols.HTTP_PROXY]
[docs] async def get_descriptors(self) -> Descriptors: r: List[int] = [] w: List[int] = [] if ( self.upstream and not self.upstream.closed and self.upstream.connection ): r.append(self.upstream.connection.fileno()) if ( self.upstream and not self.upstream.closed and self.upstream.has_buffer() and self.upstream.connection ): w.append(self.upstream.connection.fileno()) # TODO(abhinavsingh): We need to keep a mapping of plugin and # descriptors registered by them, so that within write/read blocks # we can invoke the right plugin callbacks. for plugin in self.plugins.values(): plugin_read_desc, plugin_write_desc = await plugin.get_descriptors() r.extend(plugin_read_desc) w.extend(plugin_write_desc) return r, w
[docs] async def write_to_descriptors(self, w: Writables) -> bool: if ( self.upstream and not self.upstream.closed and self.upstream.connection.fileno() not in w ) or not self.upstream: # Currently, we just call write/read block of each plugins. It is # plugins responsibility to ignore this callback, if passed descriptors # doesn't contain the descriptor they registered. for plugin in self.plugins.values(): teardown = await plugin.write_to_descriptors(w) if teardown: return True elif self.upstream and not self.upstream.closed and \ self.upstream.has_buffer() and \ self.upstream.connection.fileno() in w: logger.debug('Server is write ready, flushing...') try: self.upstream.flush(self.flags.max_sendbuf_size) except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: logger.warning( 'SSLWantWriteError while trying to flush to server, will retry', ) return False except BrokenPipeError: logger.warning( 'BrokenPipeError when flushing buffer for server', ) return self._close_and_release() except OSError as e: logger.exception( 'OSError when flushing buffer to server', exc_info=e, ) return self._close_and_release() return False
[docs] async def read_from_descriptors(self, r: Readables) -> bool: if ( self.upstream and not self.upstream.closed and self.upstream.connection.fileno() not in r ) or not self.upstream: # Currently, we just call write/read block of each plugins. It is # plugins responsibility to ignore this callback, if passed descriptors # doesn't contain the descriptor they registered for. for plugin in self.plugins.values(): teardown = await plugin.read_from_descriptors(r) if teardown: return True elif self.upstream \ and not self.upstream.closed \ and self.upstream.connection.fileno() in r: logger.debug('Server is read ready, receiving...') try: raw = self.upstream.recv(self.flags.server_recvbuf_size) except TimeoutError as e: self._close_and_release() if e.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: logger.warning( '%s:%d timed out on recv' % self.upstream.addr, ) return True raise e except ssl.SSLWantReadError: # Try again later # logger.warning('SSLWantReadError encountered while reading from server, will retry ...') return False except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EHOSTUNREACH: logger.warning( '%s:%d unreachable on recv' % self.upstream.addr, ) if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: logger.warning( 'Connection reset by upstream: {0}:{1}'.format( *self.upstream.addr, ), ) else: logger.warning( 'Exception while receiving from %s connection#%d with reason %r' % (self.upstream.tag, self.upstream.connection.fileno(), e), ) return self._close_and_release() if raw is None: logger.debug('Server closed connection, tearing down...') return self._close_and_release() for plugin in self.plugins.values(): raw = plugin.handle_upstream_chunk(raw) if raw is None: break # parse incoming response packet # only for non-https requests and when # tls interception is enabled if raw is not None: if ( not self.request.is_https_tunnel or self.tls_interception_enabled ): if self.response.is_complete: self.handle_pipeline_response(raw) else: self.response.parse(raw) self.emit_response_events(len(raw)) else: self.response.total_size += len(raw) # queue raw data for client self.client.queue(raw) return False
[docs] def on_client_connection_close(self) -> None: context = { 'client_ip': None if not self.client.addr else self.client.addr[0], 'client_port': None if not self.client.addr else self.client.addr[1], 'server_host': text_(self.upstream.addr[0] if self.upstream else None), 'server_port': text_(self.upstream.addr[1] if self.upstream else None), 'connection_time_ms': '%.2f' % ((time.time() - self.start_time) * 1000), # Request 'request_method': text_(self.request.method), 'request_path': text_(self.request.path), 'request_bytes': text_(self.request.total_size), 'request_ua': text_(self.request.header(b'user-agent')) if self.request.has_header(b'user-agent') else None, 'request_version': text_(self.request.version), # Response 'response_bytes': self.response.total_size, 'response_code': text_(self.response.code), 'response_reason': text_(self.response.reason), } if self.flags.enable_proxy_protocol: assert self.request.protocol and context.update({ 'protocol': { 'family': text_(, }, }) if self.request.protocol.source: context.update({ 'protocol': { 'source_ip': text_(self.request.protocol.source[0]), 'source_port': self.request.protocol.source[1], }, }) if self.request.protocol.destination: context.update({ 'protocol': { 'destination_ip': text_(self.request.protocol.destination[0]), 'destination_port': self.request.protocol.destination[1], }, }) log_handled = False for plugin in self.plugins.values(): ctx = plugin.on_access_log(context) if ctx is None: log_handled = True break context = ctx if not log_handled: self.access_log(context) # Note that, server instance was initialized # but not necessarily the connection object exists. # # Unfortunately this is still being called when an upstream # server connection was never established. This is done currently # to assist proxy pool plugin to close its upstream proxy connections. # # In short, treat on_upstream_connection_close as on_client_connection_close # equivalent within proxy plugins. # # Invoke plugin.on_upstream_connection_close for plugin in self.plugins.values(): plugin.on_upstream_connection_close() # If server was never initialized or was _close_and_release if self.upstream is None: return if self.flags.enable_conn_pool: assert self.upstream_conn_pool # Release the connection for reusability with self.lock: self.upstream_conn_pool.release(self.upstream) return try: try: self.upstream.connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except OSError: pass finally: # TODO: Unwrap if wrapped before close? self.upstream.close() except TcpConnectionUninitializedException: pass finally: logger.debug( 'Closed server connection, has buffer %s' % self.upstream.has_buffer(), )
[docs] def access_log(self, log_attrs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: access_log_format = DEFAULT_HTTPS_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT if not self.request.is_https_tunnel: access_log_format = DEFAULT_HTTP_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT
[docs] def on_response_chunk(self, chunk: List[memoryview]) -> List[memoryview]: # TODO: Allow to output multiple access_log lines # for each request over a pipelined HTTP connection (not for HTTPS). # However, this must also be accompanied by resetting both request # and response objects. # # if not self.request.is_https_tunnel and \ # self.response.is_complete: # self.access_log() return chunk
# Can return None to tear down connection
[docs] def on_client_data(self, raw: memoryview) -> None: # For scenarios when an upstream connection was never established, # let plugin do whatever they wish to. These are special scenarios # where plugins are trying to do something magical. Within the core # we don't know the context. In fact, we are not even sure if data # exchanged is http spec compliant. # # Hence, here we pass raw data to HTTP proxy plugins as is. # # We only call handle_client_data once original request has been # completely received if not self.upstream: for plugin in self.plugins.values(): o = plugin.handle_client_data(raw) if o is None: return raw = o elif self.upstream and not self.upstream.closed: # For http proxy requests, handle pipeline case. # We also handle pipeline scenario for https proxy # requests is TLS interception is enabled. if self.request.is_complete and ( not self.request.is_https_tunnel or self.tls_interception_enabled ): if self.pipeline_request is not None and \ self.pipeline_request.is_connection_upgrade: # Previous pipelined request was a WebSocket # upgrade request. Incoming client data now # must be treated as WebSocket protocol packets. self.upstream.queue(raw) return if self.pipeline_request is None: # For pipeline requests, we never # want to use --enable-proxy-protocol flag # as proxy protocol header will not be present # # TODO: HTTP parser must be smart about detecting # HA proxy protocol or we must always explicitly pass # the flag when we are expecting HA proxy protocol # request line before HTTP request lines. self.pipeline_request = HttpParser( httpParserTypes.REQUEST_PARSER, ) self.pipeline_request.parse(raw) if self.pipeline_request.is_complete: for plugin in self.plugins.values(): assert self.pipeline_request is not None r = plugin.handle_client_request(self.pipeline_request) if r is None: return self.pipeline_request = r assert self.pipeline_request is not None # TODO(abhinavsingh): Remove memoryview wrapping here after # parser is fully memoryview compliant self.upstream.queue( memoryview(, ), ) if not self.pipeline_request.is_connection_upgrade: self.pipeline_request = None # For scenarios where we cannot peek into the data, # simply queue for upstream server. else: self.upstream.queue(raw)
[docs] def on_request_complete(self) -> Union[socket.socket, bool]: self.emit_request_complete() # Invoke plugin.before_upstream_connection # # before_upstream_connection can: # 1) Raise HttpRequestRejected exception to reject the connection # 2) return None to continue without establishing an upstream server connection # e.g. for scenarios when plugins want to return response from cache, or, # via out-of-band over the network request. do_connect = True for plugin in self.plugins.values(): r = plugin.before_upstream_connection(self.request) if r is None: do_connect = False break self.request = r # Connect to upstream if do_connect: self.connect_upstream() # Invoke plugin.handle_client_request for plugin in self.plugins.values(): assert self.request is not None r = plugin.handle_client_request(self.request) if r is not None: self.request = r else: return False # For https requests, respond back with tunnel established response. # Optionally, setup interceptor if TLS interception is enabled. if self.upstream: if self.request.is_https_tunnel: self.client.queue(PROXY_TUNNEL_ESTABLISHED_RESPONSE_PKT) if self.tls_interception_enabled: # Check if any plugin wants to # disable interception even # with flags available do_intercept = True for plugin in self.plugins.values(): do_intercept = plugin.do_intercept(self.request) # A plugin requested to not intercept # the request if do_intercept is False: break if do_intercept: return self.intercept() # If an upstream server connection was established for http request, # queue the request for upstream server. else: # - proxy-connection header is a mistake, it doesn't seem to be # officially documented in any specification, drop it. # - proxy-authorization is of no use for upstream, remove it. self.request.del_headers( [ httpHeaders.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, httpHeaders.PROXY_CONNECTION, ], ) # - For HTTP/1.0, connection header defaults to close # - For HTTP/1.1, connection header defaults to keep-alive # Respect headers sent by client instead of manipulating # Connection or Keep-Alive header. However, note that per # # connection headers are meant for communication between client and # first intercepting proxy. self.request.add_headers( [(b'Via', b'1.1 %s' % PROXY_AGENT_HEADER_VALUE)], ) # Disable args.disable_headers before dispatching to upstream self.upstream.queue( memoryview( disable_headers=self.flags.disable_headers, ), ), ) return False
[docs] def handle_pipeline_response(self, raw: memoryview) -> None: if self.pipeline_response is None: self.pipeline_response = HttpParser( httpParserTypes.RESPONSE_PARSER, ) self.pipeline_response.parse(raw) if self.pipeline_response.is_complete: self.pipeline_response = None
[docs] def connect_upstream(self) -> None: host, port =, self.request.port if host and port: try: # Invoke plugin.resolve_dns upstream_ip, source_addr = None, None for plugin in self.plugins.values(): upstream_ip, source_addr = plugin.resolve_dns( text_(host), port, ) if upstream_ip or source_addr: break logger.debug( 'Connecting to upstream %s:%d' % (text_(host), port), ) if self.flags.enable_conn_pool: assert self.upstream_conn_pool with self.lock: created, self.upstream = self.upstream_conn_pool.acquire( (text_(host), port), ) else: created, self.upstream = True, TcpServerConnection( text_(host), port, ) # Connect with overridden upstream IP and source address # if any of the plugin returned a non-null value. self.upstream.connect( addr=None if not upstream_ip else ( upstream_ip, port, ), source_address=source_addr, ) self.upstream.connection.setblocking(False) if not created: # NOTE: Acquired connection might be in an unusable state. # # This can only be confirmed by reading from connection. # For stale connections, we will receive None, indicating # to drop the connection. # # If that happen, we must acquire a fresh connection. 'Reusing connection to upstream %s:%d' % (text_(host), port), ) return logger.debug( 'Connected to upstream %s:%s' % (text_(host), port), ) except Exception as e: # TimeoutError, socket.gaierror logger.warning( 'Unable to connect with upstream %s:%d due to %s' % ( text_(host), port, str(e), ), ) if self.flags.enable_conn_pool and self.upstream: assert self.upstream_conn_pool with self.lock: self.upstream_conn_pool.release(self.upstream) raise ProxyConnectionFailed( text_(host), port, repr(e), ) from e else: raise HttpProtocolException('Both host and port must exist')
# # Interceptor related methods #
[docs] def gen_ca_signed_certificate( self, cert_file_path: str, certificate: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: '''CA signing key (default) is used for generating a public key for common_name, if one already doesn't exist. Using generated public key a CSR request is generated, which is then signed by CA key and secret. Again this process only happen if signed certificate doesn't already exist. returns signed certificate path.''' assert( and self.flags.ca_cert_dir and self.flags.ca_signing_key_file and self.flags.ca_key_file and self.flags.ca_cert_file ) upstream_subject = {s[0][0]: s[0][1] for s in certificate['subject']} public_key_path = os.path.join( self.flags.ca_cert_dir, '{0}.{1}'.format(text_(, 'pub'), ) private_key_path = self.flags.ca_signing_key_file private_key_password = '' # Build certificate subject keys = { 'CN': 'commonName', 'C': 'countryName', 'ST': 'stateOrProvinceName', 'L': 'localityName', 'O': 'organizationName', 'OU': 'organizationalUnitName', } subject = '' for key in keys: if upstream_subject.get(keys[key], None): subject += '/{0}={1}'.format( key, upstream_subject.get(keys[key]), ) alt_subj_names = [text_(] validity_in_days = 365 * 2 timeout = 10 # Generate a public key for the common name if not os.path.isfile(public_key_path): logger.debug('Generating public key %s', public_key_path) resp = gen_public_key( public_key_path=public_key_path, private_key_path=private_key_path, private_key_password=private_key_password, subject=subject, alt_subj_names=alt_subj_names, validity_in_days=validity_in_days, timeout=timeout, openssl=self.flags.openssl, ) assert(resp is True) csr_path = os.path.join( self.flags.ca_cert_dir, '{0}.{1}'.format(text_(, 'csr'), ) # Generate a CSR request for this common name if not os.path.isfile(csr_path): logger.debug('Generating CSR %s', csr_path) resp = gen_csr( csr_path=csr_path, key_path=private_key_path, password=private_key_password, crt_path=public_key_path, timeout=timeout, openssl=self.flags.openssl, ) assert(resp is True) ca_key_path = self.flags.ca_key_file ca_key_password = '' ca_crt_path = self.flags.ca_cert_file serial = '%d%d' % (time.time(), os.getpid()) # Sign generated CSR if not os.path.isfile(cert_file_path): logger.debug('Signing CSR %s', cert_file_path) resp = sign_csr( csr_path=csr_path, crt_path=cert_file_path, ca_key_path=ca_key_path, ca_key_password=ca_key_password, ca_crt_path=ca_crt_path, serial=str(serial), alt_subj_names=alt_subj_names, validity_in_days=validity_in_days, timeout=timeout, openssl=self.flags.openssl, ) assert(resp is True)
[docs] @staticmethod def generated_cert_file_path(ca_cert_dir: str, host: str) -> str: return os.path.join(ca_cert_dir, '%s.pem' % host)
[docs] def generate_upstream_certificate( self, certificate: Dict[str, Any], ) -> str: if not ( self.flags.ca_cert_dir and self.flags.ca_signing_key_file and self.flags.ca_cert_file and self.flags.ca_key_file ): raise HttpProtocolException( f'For certificate generation all the following flags are mandatory: ' f'--ca-cert-file:{ self.flags.ca_cert_file}, ' f'--ca-key-file:{ self.flags.ca_key_file}, ' f'--ca-signing-key-file:{ self.flags.ca_signing_key_file}', ) cert_file_path = HttpProxyPlugin.generated_cert_file_path( self.flags.ca_cert_dir, text_(, ) with self.lock: if not os.path.isfile(cert_file_path): self.gen_ca_signed_certificate(cert_file_path, certificate) return cert_file_path
[docs] def intercept(self) -> Union[socket.socket, bool]: # Perform SSL/TLS handshake with upstream teardown = self.wrap_server() if teardown: return teardown # Generate certificate and perform handshake with client # wrap_client also flushes client data before wrapping # sending to client can raise, handle expected exceptions teardown = self.wrap_client() if teardown: return teardown # Update all plugin connection reference # TODO(abhinavsingh): Is this required? for plugin in self.plugins.values(): plugin.client._conn = self.client.connection return self.client.connection
[docs] def wrap_server(self) -> bool: assert self.upstream is not None assert isinstance(self.upstream.connection, socket.socket) do_close = False try: self.upstream.wrap( text_(, self.flags.ca_file, as_non_blocking=True, ) except ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: # Server raised certificate verification error # When --disable-interception-on-ssl-cert-verification-error flag is on, # we will cache such upstream hosts and avoid intercepting them for future # requests. logger.warning( 'ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: ' + 'Server raised cert verification error for upstream: {0}'.format( self.upstream.addr[0], ), ) do_close = True except ssl.SSLError as e: if e.reason == 'SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE': logger.warning( '{0}: '.format(e.reason) + 'Server raised handshake alert failure for upstream: {0}'.format( self.upstream.addr[0], ), ) else: logger.exception( 'SSLError when wrapping client for upstream: {0}'.format( self.upstream.addr[0], ), exc_info=e, ) do_close = True if not do_close: assert isinstance(self.upstream.connection, ssl.SSLSocket) return do_close
[docs] def wrap_client(self) -> bool: assert self.upstream is not None and self.flags.ca_signing_key_file is not None assert isinstance(self.upstream.connection, ssl.SSLSocket) do_close = False try: # TODO: Perform async certificate generation generated_cert = self.generate_upstream_certificate( cast(Dict[str, Any], self.upstream.connection.getpeercert()), ) self.client.wrap(self.flags.ca_signing_key_file, generated_cert) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: # Popen communicate timeout logger.exception( 'TimeoutExpired during certificate generation', exc_info=e, ) do_close = True except ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: # Client raised certificate verification error # When --disable-interception-on-ssl-cert-verification-error flag is on, # we will cache such upstream hosts and avoid intercepting them for future # requests. logger.warning( 'ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: ' + 'Client raised cert verification error for upstream: {0}'.format( self.upstream.addr[0], ), ) do_close = True except ssl.SSLEOFError as e: logger.warning( 'ssl.SSLEOFError {0} when wrapping client for upstream: {1}'.format( str(e), self.upstream.addr[0], ), ) do_close = True except ssl.SSLError as e: if e.reason in ('TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA', 'UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL'): logger.warning( '{0}: '.format(e.reason) + 'Client raised cert verification error for upstream: {0}'.format( self.upstream.addr[0], ), ) else: logger.exception( 'OSError when wrapping client for upstream: {0}'.format( self.upstream.addr[0], ), exc_info=e, ) do_close = True except BrokenPipeError: logger.warning( 'BrokenPipeError when wrapping client for upstream: {0}'.format( self.upstream.addr[0], ), ) do_close = True except OSError as e: logger.exception( 'OSError when wrapping client for upstream: {0}'.format( self.upstream.addr[0], ), exc_info=e, ) do_close = True if not do_close: logger.debug('TLS intercepting using %s', generated_cert) return do_close
# # Event emitter callbacks #
[docs] def emit_request_complete(self) -> None: if not self.flags.enable_events: return assert self.request.port and self.event_queue self.event_queue.publish( request_id=self.uid, event_name=eventNames.REQUEST_COMPLETE, event_payload={ 'url': text_(self.request.path) if self.request.is_https_tunnel else 'http://%s:%d%s' % (text_(, self.request.port, text_(self.request.path)), 'method': text_(self.request.method), 'headers': {} if not self.request.headers else { text_(k): text_(v[1]) for k, v in self.request.headers.items() }, 'body': text_(self.request.body, errors='ignore') if self.request.method == httpMethods.POST else None, }, publisher_id=self.__class__.__qualname__, )
[docs] def emit_response_events(self, chunk_size: int) -> None: if not self.flags.enable_events: return if self.response.is_complete: self.emit_response_complete() elif self.response.state == httpParserStates.RCVING_BODY: self.emit_response_chunk_received(chunk_size) elif self.response.state == httpParserStates.HEADERS_COMPLETE: self.emit_response_headers_complete()
[docs] def emit_response_headers_complete(self) -> None: if not self.flags.enable_events: return assert self.event_queue self.event_queue.publish( request_id=self.uid, event_name=eventNames.RESPONSE_HEADERS_COMPLETE, event_payload={ 'headers': {} if not self.response.headers else { text_(k): text_(v[1]) for k, v in self.response.headers.items() }, }, publisher_id=self.__class__.__qualname__, )
[docs] def emit_response_chunk_received(self, chunk_size: int) -> None: if not self.flags.enable_events: return assert self.event_queue self.event_queue.publish( request_id=self.uid, event_name=eventNames.RESPONSE_CHUNK_RECEIVED, event_payload={ 'chunk_size': chunk_size, 'encoded_chunk_size': chunk_size, }, publisher_id=self.__class__.__qualname__, )
[docs] def emit_response_complete(self) -> None: if not self.flags.enable_events: return assert self.event_queue self.event_queue.publish( request_id=self.uid, event_name=eventNames.RESPONSE_COMPLETE, event_payload={ 'encoded_response_size': self.response.total_size, }, publisher_id=self.__class__.__qualname__, )
# # Internal methods #
[docs] def _close_and_release(self) -> bool: if self.flags.enable_conn_pool: assert self.upstream and not self.upstream.closed and self.upstream_conn_pool self.upstream.closed = True with self.lock: self.upstream_conn_pool.release(self.upstream) self.upstream = None return True